Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius
Squash Filling
10 squash (diced)
400gm ricotta
Lemon zest x1
1/4 cup parmesan
Place squash into a roasting tray and cover with aluminium foil. Cook in oven for 45 minutes, or until squash is cooked through but hasn’t lost colour. Let cool completely.
Place ingredients into bowl and bring together with a stick blender, or in food processor. Blitz hard into smooth filling.
Pop filling into a piping bag and place in fridge until ready to use.
Bay Leaf Oil
25 bay leaves
1/2 cup grapeseed oil
Place ingredients into a blender and process until completely broken down, about 6-8 minutes. Strain through a muslin lined sieve into bowl and set aside in the fridge.
Pasta Dough
230gm 00 flour
80gm semolina
3 egg yolks
2 full eggs
Water (measure egg weight and add water to 190gm for hydration)
Mix together 00 flour and semolina in bowl and then create a pile on the bench and make a well in the centreusing the bottom of the bowl. Whisk eggs, egg yolks and water together in a bowl. Pour in egg mixture and gradually mix together, bringing the flour in from the edges until combined, Starting with a fork then using a bench scraper to do the last part. Knead until smooth before wrapping in plastic wrap and chill in fridge for 30-45 minutes.
To make agnolotti, cut dough in half, keeping remaining half wrapped. Roll out dough on a lightly floured surface to a rectangle about 1cm thick. Roll dough through the widest setting of a pasta machine, fold the two short ends over each other into the centre to enclose (business-letter style). Roll out to 1cm thick, then roll through pasta machine on the widest setting. Repeat folding and rolling another 3 times until dough becomes very smooth, then continue rolling dough through the machine, reducing settings notch by notch, until 1mm thick, dusting with flour if needed. Cut into long (arm length) rectangles, then on a lightly floured surface, pipe a straight line of squash filling the length of the rectangle, about 2cm from the long edge closest to you and leaving 2cm at each end. Using a spray, spray water from a height over the top of pasta then fold pasta and filling two-thirds of the way over to create a snug tube with an exposed flap of pasta along the long edge. Press to seal. With the side of your hand, press down firmly on filling at 5cm intervals to make 5 agnolotti. Fold the flap of pasta over the filled pasta, then cut between agnolotti with a fluted cutter. Repeat with remaining pasta.
When ready to cook pasta, cook for 90 seconds (just off al dente).
Butter Emulsion
150gm butter (cold and cubed)
1/4 cup water
Squeeze of lemon juice
Over low heat in pan, add water before adding in your cubed cold butter one piece at a time and shaking your pan back and forth to help emulsify the butter sauce slowly. Once all butter is added keep shaking pan off heat and finish with a squeeze of lemon juice. Add you pasta to the sauce and roll around sauce for a minute before spooning onto plate. Finish with a drizzling of bay leaf oil.