5 croissants
360gm thickened cream
120gm sugar
3 eggs
1 orange (zest)
1 tbl sp gr cinnamon
1 tbl sp vanilla
1 tea sp gr nutmeg
1/2 tea sp gr cloves
2 tbl sp raw sugar
Handful cranberries
Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
Start by cutting the ends off of your croissants before thinly slicing the middle part. Leave to the side.
Make your custard by whisking together cream, sugar, eggs, orange zest, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves until well combined.
Using a lined bread pan, layer your thin croissant slices along the bottom, filling the holes until all used up. Squeeze in 3/4 of your cranberries in the little nooks. Then on top place your croissant ends, points facing to the sky. Gently pour in your custard until it’s cover 80 perfect of your mixture, with your croissant peaks poking up at out the top. Finish with raw sugar on top and place in even to bake for 40 minutes.
After 40 minutes, scatter the remaining cranberries into your mix, pushing them into the custard and cook for another 20 minutes or until set. Let rest for and cool completely before cutting and serving.